How to Know When Your Foam Roof Needs Recoating

A foam roofing system is ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial facilities with a flat or low-slope roof needing to improve the insulation.

In fact, such a roofing system can last for over 50 years, only when installed properly and maintained regularly. Part of the regular upkeep of a foam roofing system is a recoating process that should be done every five years. This is to ensure that the foam roof is in good shape and working condition.

In the following section, we’ll further discuss in detail how long you should wait to have a recoating for your foam roof. We’ll also tackle three signs that are indications that you need a recoating.

How Long You Should Wait

The main question is: how long should you wait before you undertake a recoating for your foam roof?

A foam roofing system is required to be inspected every ten years, which is the common length of its warranty. Some companies generally require recoating at five years to keep a ten-year warranty.

Know that most businesses are putting out competing bids, which means that they offer the same specifications but will require you to re-coat in five years.

Although your foam roof still looks new and in good condition, that doesn’t mean you can skip a recoating procedure. The recoating process will perform much better when done early rather than later.

However, there are warning signs that you should be wary of when thinking about getting a foam roof recoating.

What To Look For

When inspecting your foam roofing system, here are a few things to look for before getting a recoating:

  • Blisters: Know that it is normal to have a few blisters on a foam roof because all flat roofing products release gases over time. However, if you have multiple small blisters, contact your installer if under warranty or an expert who can inspect your roof.
  • Exposed foam: The foam of the edges of the roof will typically burn the fastest because these edges are more exposed to the sun. The foams are usually rolled on, not sprayed so as not to prevent dripping. You should be on the lookout for yellow or brown color different from the topcoat colors. If there are, it’s time to contact your installer if under warranty or an expert for recoating.
  • Peeling coating: Should you see coating peeling away from a lower layer of coating, it is best that you contact an SPF expert. The mere fact that it is already peeling indicates that it requires re-coating so that the whole foam roofing system can remain in place and highly functional.

Recoating is paramount for your foam roofing system. This should even be part of your regular upkeep to ensure that your foam roof will last for more than 50 years.

Regarding the regularity of the recoating procedure for your foam roof, companies advise it to be done every five years. However, if you notice any of the factors mentioned above, make sure that you contact your installer or an expert as soon as possible.

If you’re on the lookout for a spray foam roofing contractor to check if you are ready for a foam roof needs recoating, make sure that you hire professionals. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!